Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Friday 18 April 2014

Episode 30: Fandom Flux is Character Driven

This week, talk subtitles vs dubbing, how to AU and how to make a podcast!

Episode 30



Link Dump

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Slicerness' Dark Souls Let's Play
Sword Art Abridged
Stealth Symphony
Luffy's Renewed Adventure
Hurricane Suite


  1. Replies
    1. If that "..." has to do with the fact that your question on episode 29 hasn't been replied to yet, do keep in mind we hadn't seen your question at the time of recording.
      If that "..." is because of something else, then please do tell me.


  2. i'm getting trying to get my first job what would you recommend to a college student

  3. The Episode link is saying 31, instead of 30.

    1. NARG! We recorded yesterday and Zero told me to fix it. I forgot. My bad.

  4. I have been listening to this podcast for the last 2 weeks, and I have been left with a burning question, constantly flying through my head, "How do I get on this podcast"

    Well, I say that, but really that question is but the epitome of my desires after, at times, being forced to endure listening to the podcast in an impotent rage rather than being allowed to simply enjoy.

    This podcast is brilliant, marvelous and a hundred other things that could be used to continue to wax on poetically about the sheer glory that such a simple concept has now produced; but it has giant flaw, and that is that each of your tastes are too similar. You each, mostly, read the same fandoms and when you don't its generally because you have simply yet to explore the fandom.

    There is no person who has read and explored different fandoms that none of the others had, or has an understanding of anime/manga that the rest have dismissed and so can argue against their dismissal.

    Alas, I acknowledge that the chances of me becoming the sorely lacking fifth person on this podcast are severely low, and thus I shall leave another question.

    You have each, in the past, stated that you have become disinclined to care about the continuation of the Final Fantasy franchise. What specific moment, gameplay mechanic or misc. feature of the 'hop-off game' was the point that had you decide that the franchise was no longer for you?

    (P.S. If this comment came across as pretentious in any way I apologise)

    1. You sound oddly like me when I'm on my high horse. I consider it an homage so I will allow it.

      And I agree that we talk about the same fandoms a lot. However, you can't really discuss a fandom unless more than one party is a part of it. For example, I love the Buffy/Angel fandom but can't really talk about it because no one else on the podcast knows much about it. If I tried, I'd just end up talking at everyone else and receive monosyllabic responses in return. I'm not a part of the Metal Gear fandom and the only reason I can chime in when it comes up is due to absorbing knowledge through osmosis. So yes, we talk about the bigger, more 'mainstream' fandoms because that way, we know everyone knows at least something about the subject and can keep the conversation going. And in a podcast, that's the important thing.

      Incidentally, I looked you up on You have written a single story and it's Naruto/Bleach. Just saying. Also, you're Australian. Assuming we had you on the podcast, we would be recording at 4AM, your time (give or take a couple hours).

    2. Yes. I have indeed only published a single story on, that doesn't however mean that I have never written in any other fandom. I just never published them because the muse is fickle and I dislike posting content when I can't guarantee that there will be anymore of it. I'm not NeonZangetsu. And as for the time thing, well I suppose I could always do for getting up a bit earlier.

    3. Oh god, I'm getting awful flashbacks to the Seeking Truth comments page.

      I'll tell you what the Slender Man Mythos fandom told SamJaz (yes, that one): popularity/influence elsewhere on the Internet doesn't directly correlate with popularity/influence elsewhere.

      If you are going to ask to join the podcast and you have content you'd like to share, then link it. I could give reasons why I don't have content (I lack the confidence to just do it, I've got no one who will listen to me, I don't know the fandoms well enough, I'm just in High School) BUT screw that noise. So we practice, consult our tropes, and carry on.

      -I'd- love to be in this Podcast, as it's introduced me to some of my favorite stories and writers in this place where Sturgeon's Law reigns supreme. But I'm aware that while scheduling wouldn't be a problem outside of time zones I probably shouldn't ask [Note: this isn't some bizarre reverse psychology, I'm being dead serious]. The thing is, it's not about knowing fandoms; because sometimes you're ashamed to be a part of that fandom (*cough Doctor Who unconvincing cough*).

      No, this is much more about finding people who you can interact with well, because chemistry is what makes the difference between your podcast succeeding or crashing and burning. Or maybe it's having a TvTropes page, I'm still not clear.

      There's this fantastic thing called Private Messaging. It's where you can send things to other people for free! And then they read it and help you fix it. And then you don't need the muse, or laudanum or anything like that. Speaking from experience, bouncing ideas off an author you respect is really helpful for getting the creative juices flowing.

      "...and I dislike posting content when I can't guarantee that there will be anymore of it"

      Oh, so you write when everything is completely planned out, without taking risks or writing on the fly. To be fair, the Persona universe is technically finished, minus things like Rise Kujikawa being in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. But your job as a fanfic writer is to change stuff, and in a very noticeable way, otherwise we get stuff like we've been talking about in the recent episodes, where nothing changes except on the surface.

      Scheduling something within your school is already hard. Across a continent is probably insane. Across 3? -1d100 sanity for all involved.

      I'll stop now before I get yelled at for rambling, but one last thing.

      " ...I might update my story while I'm at it."
      Might want to change that.

      Then again, what the hell do I know. I don't even have a fanfiction account for this email.

      Someone Who Has No Business in This Matter

    4. Minor correction, so I have my facts straight: it was The Tutorial, not Seeking Truth. Sorry about that.
