Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Friday 4 April 2014

Episode 28: Fandom Flux Has Imagination

This week on a shorter episode, Fandom Flux talks about mostly random stuff but also side-character interactions.

So yeah. We have a website (as soon as I make it) and we have a Youtube channel (that has no episodes on it yet). Progress! We're making this all legit and stuff! 

What does that mean for you, valued listener? It means you will be able to download episodes directly from us instead of through 4shared or you could just watch them on Youtube! As soon as I'm caught up with uploading them. There's 28 of them. It may take a few weeks.


Link Dump


  1. I've said it before but check out this story. It's awesome!

  2. what's your dream for fandom flux. How high or popular or big do you want this to get.
