Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Sunday 26 January 2014

The Fandom Flux game!

It's called Final Flux but making that a post title implies other things that are not true.

Yeah, Zero has been working on this since Christmas.

To get it to run, you need to install this: Blue button at the bottom.

Final Flux 0.131

1 comment:

  1. that was really cool. Also i think that the want of a nail for marine luffy could work. But it would have to be a luffy who is slightly intelligent and can tell that the marines are corrupt as hell. he can convince zoro to help him escape execution. Nami is easy she hates pirates. Sanji is a little difficult but you can use the excuse of him attacking a officer like he did and have luffy offer him a free pass for a little military service. after with usopp the fact he is a son of a pirate is a hard sell but it can work like this " Luffy: Usopp, I don't think justice is a finite line that can only be seen one way. I've seen a world noble kill my childhood friend for no better reason than, "he disgusted me" I've had my life saved by a pirate king who gave his arm for my life. I don't care that your father was a pirate, what i care about is that when i met him i could see a good man under that pirate. Zoro was wrongly sentanced to death by marines, Nami's home is besieged by pirates and corrupt marines and your home was attacked by pirates. It wasn't their professions that made these men evil or good but their hearts. Usopp I see a good heart in you. Do you wan't to help me bring equality to this untamed sea, to have an adventure so great that our exploit forever inspire others to bring peace to their fellow man. Can you see yourself being that type of person Usopp, because I can." Chomper would be easier since his joining was more about the islands problems. I imagined luffy getting robin and keeping her because he feels something is fishy with the world government after the poneglyphs and buster call come into light. then after water seven the crew split up with luffy sending them all way with franky because they are all fugitives because of their actions and he deciedes to take the heat instead. and that about as far as i could get before i had to start actually maping thing out.
