Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Episode 18: Fandom Flux Wants the Extra D

My word, Ken. You need a new mic. You need a new mic bad.

So yeah. Still having some audio issues that I went to some efforts to fix. Slicer's is fine now but Ken's... There is literally nothing I can do about Ken's until he gets a new mic which he should be doing this week, I think. So one more episode of bad audio, then this stuff might be somewhat listenable again.

One can only hope.


Link Dump

Lasboss x Hero (couldn't find a decent link so here's the name if you want to look it up)


  1. Zero, while you probably have something planned, it seems to me that the game would hardly be a Fandom Flux game without a reference to Condom Depot.
    Other than that, thank you guys for the entertaining podcast as always!

    1. In the current build of the game (which won't be seeing the light of day until I finish the first town), the armor shop is Condom Depot because they sell "protection". Kenchi's initial equipment is also sponsored by Condom Depot. :)

      And thanks for listening to us!
