Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Saturday 10 January 2015

Episode 68: Fandom Flux Never Went to Band Camp

This week, the Fandom Flux Crew discuss reveals, voiced protagonists and crossover clusterFs. Also questions on favourite cereals, interpretations that colour your impressions and why old = badass.

Episode 68




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Resident Evil 4 laser
Super Slice Sabre Video
Telltale's Game of Thrones


  1. What are your thoughts on smut in fanfiction and the like? Do you find it creepy do you even find the slight romantic stuff creepy. What about relationship of different ages. The reason is when people to stuff like naruto characters and other anime whether they are underage or something people will slightly tolerate it and i've gotten used to it because its not that big of a deal to me, but on space battles when people do stuff that even slightly raunchy with Taylor from Worm the mods loose their shit is it the site or something else. Because sometimes when they anime stories do something like that they let it slide but if its in a Worm story its a big no. The characters from that are just as fictional as all the other stories.

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