Fandom Flux

Fandom Flux

Sunday 3 November 2013

Episode 8: Fandom Flux is Batman

That new release schedule is just working marvelously, eh?

This week is a special Halloween episode of the Fandom Flux podcast. It dressed up as Batman. Listen in to find out how.

Episode 8



Link Dump

Things I'm not going to link because you have Google: Etrian Odyssey, Pokémon, Star Wars, Fable, Fallout, GTA, Hajime no Ippo, Ace of Diamond, Magi, ALL of the cartoons we mention
Things I'm not linking because I don't have them: Kenchi's taped fingers, the avatar hijinks
Russian Winnie the Pooh
Goodwitch Apprentice
Timeline of Fate

I'll update this post with the relevant links when I can actually access things on

1 comment:

  1. I want you to know that i find your podcast a great show even if it has only just started. I sometimes wish you would talk more on the subject on fan fictions but that is only my humble opinion. I want to a recommend a fic for you to read The Genius Losers of Konoha By stigma. A question i have is, Have you ever stumble upon another fandom through a crossover and then learned all about that fandom only through fanfictions without ever seeing the original? Because i am Like that with Fate Stay Night.
